Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First stop O'ahu

The third largest in the archipelago with an area of 600 sq. miles, O’ahu was born of two volcanoes. O’ahu was conquered in 1795 by Kamehameha the Great. This was an important battle for his campaign to unify the islands.
• Byodo-In Temple - Rimmed by 2000-foot cliffs, this Buddhist shrine is a replica of a 900 year-old Japanese temple that is home to a beautifully crafted 9 foot Buddha
• Ka’ena Point - The legendary “leaping place of souls.” After death, here is the point where the spirit leaps to the other world
• Kaneaki Heiau - temple dedicated to Lono, god of Harvest and Fertility
• Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens - 400 acre gardens at the foot of the steepled Koolau Mountains meaning “peaceful refuge”

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Starfish- Throw it back!

The Starfish -Ka Hôkû Kai  [kah HOH' KOO' kai]
Once upon a time, there was a wise kupuna (elder), who went to the sea to contemplate. One day while walking along the shore, the kupuna looked down the beach, and saw a gracefully dancing human figure. The kupuna wondered out loud, "who would so joyfully greet this day with hula?" and began to walk faster to catch up.  Getting closer ...

the kupuna saw that the dancer was a keiki (child), who was not dancing at all. The keiki was reaching down to the sand to pick up something, and was gently throwing it into the sea. The kupuna called out to the keiki, "Aloha! What are you doing?"
The keiki paused, looked up and replied, "Throwing starfish into the sea." Surprised, the kupuna sputtered, "I guess I should have asked, "Why are you throwing starfish into the sea?" The keiki smiled brightly, pointed upward and, with exquisite simplicity, replied "The sun is up, the tide is going out, if I don't throw them in they will die." "But don't you realize," asked the kupuna, "that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it? You can't possibly make a difference!" 

The keiki listened politely. Then bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it gently into the sea, just beyond the breaking waves, and exuberantly declared, "It made a difference for that one." 

In each and every one of us, there is something very special. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a positive difference.  If we are fortunate enough to fully accept and acknowledge that gift, we gain the "mana", the power to shape the future. 

Like the starfish, you have been chosen out of the multitude, to surf upon this cyber-shore and be inspired by a child's wisdom.  Become the wise keiki. "The sun is up, the tide is going out.  If you don't throw them in, they will die." 

Return the aloha spirit back into your Sea of Life. Find your starfish. Throw them gently and wisely back into the sea so they may live.  Making a difference, you will Live!

And we are all The Blessed. Ola! (Live!) 

Adapted by a kupuna from a story by Author Unknown 
'Olelo No'eau - Hawaiian Proverbs
Hawaiian Proverb
Contributed by: kaimana

Monday, April 9, 2012


Pele (the volcano goddess) means upheaval. “Pele’s passion can be relentless, producing both destruction and creation. As the goddess of the sacred earth, her seemingly “destructive” power gives birth to new rock formations and land. Many people have been transformed by Pele’s power. Many believe that Pele is offended when we disrespect the earth or Hawaiian culture. Pele may also be offended if we fail to fuel our passion. Passion requires respect. If you fail to fuel the fires of your passion, you run the risk of your heart turning to stone. But you are lucky, because Pele’s appearance indicates your passion is rising. Her upheaval clears the way for something new and better to be created.

The first word in her chant hulihia means “overturned: complete change, overthrow, turned upside down.” The word huli can mean “to change an opinion or a manner of living.” Therefore, Pele’s appearance may be warning you that an upheaval is just under the surface. Sometimes it takes nothing short of a major upheaval to change your beliefs, the way you relate to others, your behaviors, or priorities. When Pele appears, it is time to change course.”

Saturday, April 7, 2012

The oldest of the major Hawaiian Islands at 6 million years old. It is formed by a single volcano and believed to be the original island populated by Polynesians. It is the only island not conquered by Kamehameha the Great when he established the Hawaiian Kingdom. It is called the “Garden Isle.”
• Hanalei Valley - A National Wildlife Waterfowl Refuge
• Mehehune Fishpond - A 900-foot fishpond said to be the handiwork of mythical Hawaiian elves built in one night over 1,000 years ago
• Lihue Lutheran Church - Built in 1881 by German immigrants after their long voyage across the sea; this experience is reflected in the church’s architecture: the floor slants like the deck of the ship; the balcony is the Captain’s Bridge; the ceiling is like the bottom of the ship; the lights are the ship’s lanterns; and the pulpit is the Forecastle
• Hikinaakala Heiau - Translated as “rising of the sun,” it was at this temple, built around A.D. 1300, that the dawn was celebrated with prayers and chants

Looking towards the Ocean

Never turn your back on the ocean.

Hawaiian Proverb

Seeking New Oceans

“One cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Waterfall Wisdom

Sacred Pause Hawaiian Wisdom:

"Leisure is a form of silence.
It is the silence of contemplation
such as occurs when we let our minds
rest on a rosebud, a child at play,
a Divine mystery.
Or a waterfall.

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Spirit ofAloha- Article by Steven Lane Taylor

I was reminded today by my friend, Steve Taylor, about the many and beautiful meanings of Aloha. It is truly a way of life. Please read Steve's writings below and also check out his website for more inspiration and a guide for Living Life in the Divine Flow.

The Spirit of Aloha

March 7, 2010

Dear Friends,

After Carol and I returned from Maui last week, I wrote about the easygoing nature of native Hawaiians, and how they seem to “naturally” live life in the divine flow. But maybe “naturally” wasn’t exactly the right word to use. Perhaps “consciously” would have been more accurate. Because the Hawaiians are constantly reminding themselves to be in the divine flow of life by frequently using the word, “aloha.”

Aloha, you see, is much more than a simple greeting that has come to mean both “hello” and “goodbye.” You can’t be in Hawaii for more than a few hours—or even a few minutes—without hearing about the Spirit of Aloha. The Spirit of Aloha represents a way of life—a way of living focused on love, harmony, and mutual respect.

It is a way of life that has a very admirable code of conduct. And to remember that code, people have created clever acronymic meanings for “ALOHA.” What’s interesting about these acronymic meanings is that they parallel many of the principles I teach for living life in the divine flow.

Specifically . . .

“A” stands for “Akahai,” which means kindness. Well, as it happens, expressing loving kindness is one of the key ingredients for living life in the divine flow. “A” can also stand for “Ala,” which means watchfulness and alertness. Here, too, there is a parallel . . . because being in the flow of life demands that you pay attention to what’s going on around you, and to what’s going on within you.

“L” stands for “Lokahi,” which means working with unity. Again, one of the major principles for living life in the divine flow is remembering that we are all in the same boat . . . and that to get down the stream to reach our dreams we need each other’s help.

“O” stands for “Oluolu,” which means agreeableness. This is related to the principle of non-resistance, and being willing to follow the flow even when you don’t understand where it is leading. “O” can also stand for “Oia’i’o,” which means truthfulness and honesty. Once again there is a parallel . . . because to live life in the divine flow you must always be open and receptive to a higher truth, and be willing to let go of your need to be right. In other words, you must be honest enough with yourself to admit that what you currently think is true, might not be.

“H” stands for “Ha’aha’a,” which means humility. Here is a very direct parallel . . . because a sure way to block your experience of the divine flow is to get caught up in pride for any length of time. That particular expression of the ego can greatly interfere with your ability to sense divine guidance.

And finally, the last “A” stands for “Ahonui,” which means patience. And yes, following the divine flow often takes a great deal of patience. As you take one divinely guided step after another, you must always remain centered in the now moment, and allow things to unfold in their divine time.

So there you have it: “ALOHA”—not just a simple greeting, but a beneficial way of living . . . a way of living that keeps you in the divine flow of life, and helps you move forward in life with grace, ease, and continual feelings of peace and joy.


Serenity Prayer- Hawaiian Style