Monday, May 5, 2008

Why do I travel to sacred places?

My journey to sacred places is not a new concept.  Since the beginning of time, people have sojourned near and far to sacred places in pursuit of a spiritual communion with oneself, ancient people and the universe around us. My sacred journey to Hawaii will include visits to many sacred sites which will include Hawaiian heiaus-a place of ancient worship, offering and sacrifice.  A stay at a Tibetan Buddhist Temple where the Dalai Lama has taught.  A visit to Molokai's Kalaupapa Peninsula which has a great sense of mystery and reverence.  This location  was set aside in the 1860's as a leper colony and where the Belgian priest Father Damien tended and gave comfort to the exiled patients before he was afflicted with the disease.
Sacred places represent the essential spirit of humankind.

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